We have the skilled expertise to meet and exceed your expectations, and offer valuable leadership services customized to fit your specific needs. Learn more about the improvements we can help you achieve. Contact us today for a complimentary introductory session.

Executive Culture Coaching for Organizations
📈 Unlock insights into the needs of your organization
📈 Drive up client and employee engagement,
which translates to:
📈 Higher productivity, profit, and outcomes
Generated by psychologist Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and pioneered by the Maslow Research Center, your organization can transform company culture to meet employees' and leaders’ basic, psychological, and growth needs. Numerous studies confirm that culture coaching leads to higher productivity and profit metrics.
The Maslow Organizational Culture Coaching (OCC) program equips leaders to Lead with Culture - helping leaders to role model culture change and transformation. The program includes:
📈 Culture Levers Executive Workshops
📈 Culture Actualization Index assessments
📈 Outcomes analysis, Culture Action Plans
📈 Personalized coaching programming
📈 Review of measurable results after 90 and 180 days
📈 Ongoing coaching to advance measurable results

Leadership and Career Coaching
Develop and expand essential skills using the Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness programs. Fully customizable, these services are offered utilizing neuroscience advances to produce transformational results:
🌱 Leadership Coaching: improve strategic outcomes
🌱 Career Coaching: explore career re-alignment or transition
🌱 North Star Coaching: explore your true calling through
personal values, mission, and vision
🌱 Performance Management: enhance goal achievement
🌱 Employee/Labour Relations: manage conflict resolution
🌱 Enhanced Workplace Culture: develop culture intentionally
For newcomers to Canada, explore career options with:

Human Resources Consulting

Need some cutting edge human resources guidance for your small or medium sized business? Services are customized to your company's needs, using the foundations of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to produce noticeable results:
🌱 Policies: modernize policies, procedures, and onboarding
🌱 Recruitment and Selection: our HR professionals lead effective
recruitment and selection processes, supporting you to find
candidates that echo your organization’s values and vision
🌱 Performance Management: develop progressive performance
evaluation programming that connects everyday behaviours to
your organization’s values, mission, and vision
🌱 Disability Management: navigate the complex leave,
accommodation, and return to work process
🌱 Employee/Labour Relations: manage talent and conflict
resolution skilfully in non-unionized or unionized environments
🌱 Enhanced Workplace Culture: develop culture intentionally
through leadership and team coaching or through customized
workshop facilitation
Workshop Facilitation
Looking for engaging and practical workshops that meet Canadian regulatory requirements? Contact us for interactive workshops, customizable to your organization's needs:
📈 Resilience: Re-discover peace, strength, and productivity
📈 Workplace Culture: Improve culture and retention
📈 Culture Levers Executive Workshop: Learn to ‘Lead with
Culture’ and accountability
📈 Employee/Labour Relations: Manage talent and conflict
resolution skilfully
📈 Performance Management: Connect everyday behaviours to
your organization’s values, mission, and vision
📈 Custom Workshops
We have created and facilitated over 450 hours of workshops at these and other organizations, for groups of 5 to 150:
🍁 the Canada Revenue Agency
🍁 the College of New Caledonia (CNC)
🍁 Integris Credit Union
🍁 CPHR BC and Yukon
🍁 the Canadian Vocational Training Centre